Proceeding articles

Selected proceeding articles

B. J. McKenna, N. Christiansen, R. Schauperl, P. Prenninger, J. Nielsen, P. Blennow, T. Klemensoe, S. Ramousse, A. Kromp and A. Weber, "Advances in Metal Supported Cells in the METSOFC EU Consortium", Fuel Cells 13 (4), pp. 592-597 (2013).
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A. Kromp, J. Nielsen, P. Blennow, T. Klemensø and A. Weber, "Break-down of Losses in High Performing Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", Fuel Cells 13 (4), pp. 598-604 (2013).
Link tp pdf:

P. Blennow, J. Hjelm, T. Klemensø, S. Ramousse, A. Kromp, A. Leonide and A. Weber, "Manufacturing and characterization of metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells", J. Power Sources 196, pp. 7117-7125 (2011).
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(P. Blennow, Å. H. Persson, J. Nielsen, B. R. Sudireddy, T. Klemensø, “Infiltrated SrTiO3: FeCr-based anodes for metal-supported SOFC”. Proceedings of the 10th European SOFC Forum 2012, A0908, Chapter 7, pp.72-83 (2012)

“Multifunctional nanocoatings on FeCr steels - influence on chromium volatilization and scale growth”